Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Asyncrhonous Ajax request modifing the session

Do not call 2 controller methods modifying session with Ajax asynchronously.

I searched hours for this bug in my code....

if the Task controller methods "select_project" and "select_project_resp" modify the session, then this code will ends up in a race condition. The resulting session will contain only the last modification.

function select_project(str){
if (str == "") return;
new Ajax.Request('/task/select_project/' + str, {
asynchronous: true,
evalScripts: true,
onComplete: function(request){
new Ajax.Request('/task/show_project_resp/' + str, {
asynchronous: true,
evalScripts: true,
onComplete: function(request){
return false;

Instead, call the second method after the first one finished:

function select_project(str){
if (str == "") return;
new Ajax.Request('/task/select_project/' + str, {
asynchronous: true,
evalScripts: true,
onComplete: function(request){
// to avoid race condition and mix the sessions,
// the second Ajax request is not done asynchronously
// but following the first....
new Ajax.Request('/task/show_project_resp/' + str, {
asynchronous: true,
evalScripts: true,
onComplete: function(request){
return false;

See http://www.chipmunkninja.com/article/asyncsessions

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